Cross referenced alphabetically by both occupation and name
- Adalhard Trypho: Gardeners
- Agatha: Nurses
- Agnes: Young Girls
- Albertus Magnus: Scientists
- Aloysius Gonzaga: Youth
- Alphonsus Liguori: Confessors, Theologians
- Altar boys: John Berchmans
- Amand: Innkeepers
- Anastasius: Goldsmiths
- Andrew: Fishermen
- Andronicus Silversmiths
- Anne: Cabinetmakers, Homemakers
- Anthony of Egypt: Butchers, Gravediggers
- Anthony of Padua: Travelers
- Apollonia: Dentists
- Architects: Thomas the Apostle
- Artists: Luke, Catherine of Bologna
- Astonomers: Angelico, Dominic
- Athletes: Dominic
- Augustine of Hippo: Brewers, Printers, Theologians
- Authors: Sebastian, Francis De Sales
- Aviators: Our Lady of Loreto, Therese of Lisieux, Joseph of Cupertino
- Bakers: Elizabeth of Hungary, Nicholas
- Bankers: Matthew
- Bartholomew: Plasterers
- Bede: Scholars
- Blacksmiths: Dunstan
- Booksellers: John of God
- Brendan: Sailors
- Brewers: Augustine of Hippo, Luke, Nicholas of Myra
- Bricklayers: Stephen
- Brides: Nicholas of Myra
- Brigid of Ireland: Dairy Workers, Scholars
- Builders: Vincent Ferrer
- Butchers: Anthony of Egypt, Luke
- Cabinetmakers: Anne
- Camilus of Lellis: Nurses
- Canonists: Raymone of Penafort
- Carpenters: Joseph
- Cassian: Stonecutters
- Catherine of Bologna: Artists
- Cecilia: Musicians, Poets, Singers
- Children: Nicholas of Myra
- Christopher: Motorists, Porters, Sailors, Travelers
- Clement I: Stonemasons
- Clerics: Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother
- Confessors: Alphonsus Liguori, John Nepomucen
- Cooks: Lawrence, Martha
- Coppersmiths: Maurus
- Cosmas and Damian: Pharmacists, Physicians, Surgeons
- Crispin and Crispinian: Shoemakers
- Cuthbert: Sailors
- Dairy Workers: Brigid of Ireland
- David: Poets
- Dentists: Apollonia
- Dismus: Prisoners
- Dominic: Astronomers
- Dominic Savio: Young Boys
- Dunstan: Blacksmiths, Goldsmiths, Jewelers, Locksmiths, Musicians
- Ecologists: Francis of Assisi
- Eligius: Jewelers, Metalworkers
- Elizabeth of Hungary: Bakers
- Elmo: Sailors
- Engineers: Ferdinand III
- Erasmus: Sailors
- Eulalia: Sailors
- Eustachius: Hunters
- Farmers: George, Isidore
- Ferdinand III: Engineers
- Fiacre: Gardeners
- Firefighters: Florian
- Fishermen: Andrew
- Florian: Firefighters
- Florists: Therese of Lisieux
- Four Crowned Martyrs: Sculptors
- Frances Xavier Cabrini: Immigrants
- Francis De Sales: Authors, Journalists, Writers
- Francis of Assisi: Ecologists
- Gabriel: Messengers, Postal Workers, Radio Workers
- Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother: Clerics, Youth
- Gardeners: Adalhard Trypho, Fiacre, Phocas of Sinope
- Genesius: Lawyers, Printers, Secretaries, Stenographers
- George: Farmers, Soldiers
- Gerard Majella: Mothers
- Glassworkers: Luke
- Goldsmiths: Dunstan, Anastasius
- Gravediggers: Anthony of Egypt
- Gregory I "The Great": Musicians, Singers, Teachers
- Grocers: Michael
- Hairdressers: Martin De Porres
- Homemakers: Anne
- Homobonus: Tailors
- Hubert: Hunters
- Hunters: Hubert, Eustachius
- Ignatius of Loyola: Soldiers
- Immigrants: Frances Xavier Cabrini
- Innkeepers: Amand, Martha
- Isidore: Farmers, Laborers
- Ivo: Lawyers
- James: Laborers
- Jean-Baptiste De La Sale: Teachers
- Jean-Baptiste Vianney: Priests
- Jerome: Librarians, Scholars
- Jewelers: Eligius, Dunstan
- Joan of Arc: Soldiers
- John Berchmans: Altar Boys, Youth
- John Bosco: Laborers
- John Chrysostom: Preachers
- John of God: Booksellers, Nurses, Printers
- John Nepomucen: Confessors
- Joseph: Carpenters, Workers
- Joseph Cafasso: Prisoners
- Joseph of Cupertino: Aviators
- Journalists: Francis De Sales
- Justin: Philosophers
- Laborers: Isidore, James, John Bosco
- Lawrence: Cooks
- Lawyers: Ivo, Genesius, Thomas More
- Librarians: Jerome
- Locksmiths: Dunstan
- Louise De Marillac: Social Workers
- Luke: Artists, Brewers, Butchers, Glassworkers, Notaries, Painters, Pharmacists, Physicians, Surgeons
- Maids: Zita
- Mariners: Michael, Nicholas of Tolentino
- Mark: Notaries
- Martha: Cooks, Innkeepers, Servants
- Martin De Porres: Hairdressers
- Martin of Tours: Soldiers
- Matthew: Bankers, Tax Collectors
- Maurus: Coppersmiths
- Messengers: Gabriel
- Metalworkers: Eligius
- Michael: Grocers, Mariners, Police Officers, Radiologists
- Monica: Mothers
- Mothers: Monica, Gerard Majella
- Motorists: Christopher
- Musicians: Gregory the Great, Cecilia, Dunstan
- Nicholas: Pawnbrokers, Sailors
- Nicholas of Myra: Brewers, Brides, Children
- Nicholas of Tolentino: Mariners
- Notaries: Luke, Mark
- Nurses: Camilus of Lellis
- Our Lady of Loreto: Aviators
- Painters: Luke
- Pantaleon: Physicians
- Paula: Widows
- Pawnbrokers: Nicholas
- Peter of Alcantara: Watchmen
- Pharmacists: Cosmas and Damian, Luke, Raphael
- Philosophers: Justin
- Phocas of Sinope: Gardeners
- Physicians: Pantaleon, Cosmas and Damian, Luke, Raphael
- Plasterers: Bartholomew
- Poets: David, Cecilia
- Police Officers: Michael
- Porters: Christopher
- Postal Employees: Gabriel
- Preachers: John Chrysostom
- Priests: Jean-Baptiste Vianney (Cure D'Ars)
- Printers: Genesius, John of God, Augustine of Hippo
- Prisoners: Dismus, Joseph Cafasso
- Radiologists: Michael
- Radio Workers: Gabriel
- Raphael: Nurses, Pharmacists, Physicians, Travelers
- Sailors: Cuthbert, Brendan, Eulalia, Christopher, Erasmus, Nicholas, Elmo
- Scholars: Brigid of Ireland, Bede, Jerome
- Scientists: Albertus Magnus
- Sculptors: Four Crowned Martyrs
- Sebastian: Authors, Soldiers
- Secretaries: Genesius
- Shoemakers: Crispin and Crispinian
- Silversmiths: Andronicus
- Singers: Gregory I "the Great", Cecilia
- Social Workers: Louise De Marillac
- Soldiers: George, Ignatius of Loyola, Sebastian, Martin of Tours, Joan of Arc
- Stenographers: Genesius
- Stephen: Bricklayers, Stonemasons
- Stonecutters: Cassian
- Stonemasons: Clement I, Stephen
- Students: Thomas Aquinas
- Surgeons: Cosmas and Damian, Luke
- Tailors: Homobonus
- Tax Collectors: Matthew
- Teachers: Gregory the Great, Jean-Baptiste De La Salle
- Theologians: Augustine, Alphonsus Liguori
- Therese of Lisieux: Aviators, Florists
- Thomas Aquinas: Students
- Thomas the Apostle: Architects
- Thomas More: Lawyers
- Travelers: Anthony of Padua, Nicholas of Myra, Christopher, Raphael
- Watchmen: Peter of Alcantara
- Widows: Paula
- Workers: Joseph
- Writers: Francis De Sales
- Young Boys: Dominic Savio
- Young Girls: Agnes
- Youth: Aloysius Gonzaga, John Berchmans, Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother
Photo credits: (Related Resources) Portrait of Saint Francis of Assisi, Cimabue (1240-1302), PD-Art, Wikimedia Commons